Student Teaching

Hillsdale Local Schools | Jeromesville, Ohio

Other Roles & Responsibilities

Other than my teaching responsibilities, I also gained experience during this placement with small instrument repairs, fundraising, theater technology, and communication with parents.

Classes & Ensembles

High School Band

An ensemble of around 60 high school students. I worked with individual students new to band, led woodwind sectionals, and taught from the podium. When teaching full group lessons, I created lesson plans detailing the order of activities and my anticipated concerns. During the band director's paternity leave, I will act as a substitute and cover his classes for one to two weeks. For their May concert, I have chosen a piece for the ensemble to play and will rehearse this and another piece with them a few times per week.

High School Choir

An ensemble of around 50 high school students. I worked with individual students on solo repertoire, led sectionals for both treble and bass voices, and led warm-ups and repertoire rehearsal from the piano. When the choir director was absent, I acted as a substitute teacher for this ensemble and taught the entire lesson. I also played the djembe and conducted this group on their March concert.

6th Grade Band

An ensemble of around 20 6th grade students, meeting twice weekly - once as a full ensemble and once in brass/percussion and woodwind sectionals. I assisted various sections with learning notes, finding partials, and counting rhythm.

Beginning Band (5th Grade)

An ensemble of around 20 5th grade students, meeting as sectionals throughout the week. I assisted students with matching pitch, maintaining their instruments, and reading music.

High School General Music: Guitar/Rock & Roll Band

In the second semester, the guitar class forms small bands or works on individual projects. I circulated throughout the different groups offering practice tips, playing drum set while guitarists and bassists ran through large sections of their songs, and coaching singers through find pitch, rhythm, and registration.

Elementary General Music Class: 4th Grade

I joined the 4th grade general music class for their recorder unit, taking a small group of children and teaching them notes, rhythms, playing techniques, and reading skills.

7th/8th Grade Band

An ensemble of around 35 7th and 8th grade students. I rotated through helping different sections by playing alongside them and offering individual feedback and guiding sectional rehearsals. I also chose a piece for the group to perform on their May concert and will be rehearsing this and another piece with them a few times per week.

Teaching Videos

Instrumental Teaching
Choral Teaching